Saturday, April 25, 2009

Welcome to the brand new Primary French Blog!

Today I decided that I would set up a blog spot where we could upload your recordings and podcasts, as well as the vocabulary for each new topic. As you know, we don't have French homework any more, but if you want to check out what your class did in class that week, or you were absent, perhaps, and want to catch up, then here is where you can do it.

All of Key Stage Two have begun Unit 5 of their respective Rigolo units. Years 3 and 4 are learning about the family and Years 5 and 6 are learning to talk about holidays...just to get you in the mood for summer.

Year 5 and 6 - here are the new words you learned in Lesson One. Can you match the vocabulary to the pictures?

Year Three and Four, here are your new words. Can you match the pciture to the right word?

Bonus points if you can explain to your Mum or Dad what the is all about!!!!

Look out for more posts soon...! (And if you do access this blog, I'd be tickled pink if you could write a post to tell me you've looked at it!)

Mrs K