Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thank you to those of you who have read the French blog and especially those who posted a comment and became followers: Najah, Gautam, Sarah, Rhiannon Rania and Tessa!

This week in class Years Three and Four are learning the French alphabet and singing my silly alphabet song! If you want to sing it to the dog/cat/hamster/baby brother or just to the mirror, here is the phonetic French alphabet (that means how you say each letter). See if you can do the hand actions at the same time!

Year Five and Six continue to work on expressing their opinion about holidays. You can practise this by going around saying (about anything you like!)
'J'adore ca, j'aime ca, je n'aime pas ca and je deteste ca. I haven't yet discovered how to put in accents in this blog, so if you find out, please tell me!

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